Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More Abbie and Daddy Games

Daddy and Abbie have a fun time creating games together.  First came the "PiggyPiggyPiggy"  game which she still loves. Now it's the "KissyRazzberry" game.  While I hold Abbie, she will open her mouth wide and latch onto my cheek.  Then she'll blow a fat razzberry.  Naturally this makes me laugh, which in turn makes her laugh.  Then I latch onto her little cheek and blow a razzberry back.  We'll go back and forth like this for a couple of minutes until she gets tired or it. But it's wonderfully silly in it's simplicity.  
Another game she's come up with is the "ShakyHead"  She'll look at you for a minute, then with  get a big grin on her face, she'll shake her head back and forth.  Then she'll stop, like she's waiting for your reaction.  So I'll shake my head back and forth, and she grins even more.  Then I'll stop and she'll pick it up.  Abbie loves to tease her Daddy big-time!  She's an inventive little bugger. I like to think I'm directing her, but I really think she's teasing me to see what she can make me do. She's got me wrapped around her tiny itty bitty fingers.

1 comment:

Carole said...

Ah, the loves of my life! You guys are so cute together :-)