As of late, these are Abbie's favorite and most used words, just as she pronounces them in her own special way.
Arbo (Arbol - tree in Spanish)
BaBoo (belly button)
Babby/Abbie (for, well, Abbie)
Beby (baby)
Boo-Boo (one of the characters in her Gossie books)
Boo-k (book)
Da-dee (Daddy)
Dee (that - a.k.a. "I want that")
Ea (ear)
Go (and she means it, too!)
Ki-ki (kitty)
Kye (sky)
Mammy (Mamy)
Mamma (Mom)
Mano (hand in Italian and Spanish)
Math/Moth (Mouth)
Nana (Grandma)
Oh-oh! (ops!)
Shay/Sheby (Shelby)
Twee (tree)
Her Da-dee and I are amazed at how much she is understanding, and I am not talking about the most common used phrases, like "come here" or "please don't do that". I never had any real experience with babies, and I guess I thought that they didn't understand a word until they turn three, or something. Instead, Abbie proves to me every day how much young toddlers do indeed know and understand, even if they are unable to communicate clearly... Thank goodness I'm learning something, too! Anyway, we were bathing her with her new Aqua Baby. Abbie was trying to get out of the tub, and Christopher said to her: "Abbie, wash your baby". Abigail got her floating doll, picked up her own washcloth, and started wiping the doll with it. Twice she was told to "wash her baby", and twice she did. I was rather amazed at this, because I didn't expect that she would understand that command.
She knows the meaning of many phrases, for example "put it away", which we often use to enlist her help in getting her own chaos under control. She knows what I mean when I tell her to come here, to bring me (or someone else) something, to change her diaper or wash her bum-bum, change her clothes, put her shoes on, go outside, give me a kiss, go take a nap, pet Shelby gently or when it's time to eat.
I think about Abigail a year ago, and I marvel at how fast things have changed... I know I will be saying this a year from now, too!
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