Saturday, January 10, 2009

Abbie's vocabulary, part II

Abigail has been improving her vocabulary in the last week, and new words have been added to her repertoire.
She now uses on a regular basis:

Abigae (for Abigail)
Agua (to indicate she wants her AquaDoodle)
Bubbe (bubble)
Beer (bear)
Ca (car)
cackes / crackes (crackers)
Cir-cle (circle)
chis (cheese)
down (to say "get down", I generally say that to Shelby)
feesh (fish)
Meet (meat)
Quare (for square)
Ova (oval)
Sheby (Shelby)
Tigu (tiger -- she has a little tiger in her drinking cup)

She's s funny: she comes up to you with the most serious look on her face, looks you square in the eye and starts talking, gesturing, saying incomprehensible words while trying to share her thoughts on whatever is going through her mind. When she's done unloading, she goes back to her toys.

Yesterday, while she was in my room, she lied down on the floor, on her stomach, and started reaching for something under our bookshelf. I asked her: "What are you doing, honey?", and Abbie, still flush against the floor, grunting in effort, and with her head under the bookshelf, answered: "shoosh acke toojee ang toott ball!!!", and out she came from under the bookshelf holding her small green ball. I guess she was just telling me she was trying to get to her ball.


Tulips said...

LOL - go Abbie!

Julia uses the same words for bear (beer) and cheese (chis). At first I wondered why Julia was talking about beer! (Then I figured out what was going on!!)

Looks like she is starting to drop her afternoon nap. There may be playdates in our future! :-)

Carole said...

Looking forward to seeing the babes playing together!!!! :)