On Monday, we went with our playgroup to Van Dyck park, where Abbie spent two hours of steady fun. She played in the sand box for the very first time: this germophobe and mysophobic mom had to surrender - after all, I'm going to have to get used to it sooner or later, even though the very thought makes me cringe. Anyway, besides my constant wiping her hands and clothes off, I did pretty well. Abbie took her usual circumspect approach: slowly touching the sand, feeling it between her fingers, then sitting on it, and finally trying to figure out how to play with it. I love this aspect of Abbie's personality: the fact that she won't jump into anything head on, but rather prudently assesses any situation first and foremost. She is much wiser than I am, as it turns out!
While at the park Abbie made friends with a little 8-year-old, Isabella, who just would not leave her side and who apparently was there with her mom and brother. Isabella asked me if she could hold Abbie, and as soon as I said "Yes, but be caref...." she took off with Abigail to play near the benches. She showed Abigail some ladybugs, the trees, and a few other critters I was not too impressed with. I thought the whole thing was cute, so I let them have their fun: Abbie loved it, she grinned the whole time and didn't seem bothered in the least. After a while, I felt the familiar "I miss my baby" feeling, and went to retrieve Abigail. I took Abbie to the swings (with Isabella trotting right behind us), to meet her other little buddies. Isabella insisted I'd let her play with and hold Abbie again, and since I was chatting with other moms, I let her, keeping an eye on them. But, in a second, they disappeared behind the climbing wall, and when I got closer, Isabella was carrying Abbie to the top of the slide. I just about fainted. I said: "no no no, what are guys doing?", Isabella said "Oh I am just going to ride the slide with Abigail!". I guess I could have let her, but I snatched my kid and told Isabella "sorry, she is not used to it!" I felt the biggest knot at the pit of my stomach, and also felt bad for Isabella: she was so sweet, did not mean any harm, and was totally enamored with my little baby.
At any rate, besides that little scare, Abbie and I had a great time. She made new friends and met up with some old friends, including a little baby, Camden, only three months old, whom Abigail took a instant liking to. She kept on looking at Camden, and touching her little fists with her index finger.
And finally, Abbie met Fred. Fred the dog. As soon as Abbie saw this big, furry pup she ran to him and started to squeal in delight: she adores dogs. I don't know why, because Shelby doesn't give her the time of day. But regardless of her home experiences, Abbie is always happy and excited to see furry friends. So she spent the longest time petting Fred, and hugging him around the neck. I pretty much had to pry her off of him when I noticed that Fred's owner was wanting to leave. Abbie cried.
All in all, with a little help from all her friends, Abigail is having the time of her life. And so am I.
What precious pictures
We can't wait to meet you too
Love your blog and your beautiful family. Hello from a fellow Fairfax Mommy!
Awe. Your little girl is just adorable. I'm sure you know that already, I thought I would just tell you I think so too. ;)
(visiting from mbc)
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