Thursday, September 18, 2008

12 month check-up and Stats

Today little Abbie went through her occasional torture at the pediatrician's. She was not cooperative, not in the least: she just won't stay put, ever, but would rather run around and explore, so she gave the doctor a good run for the money. That's my girl :)

Overall: she is doing very well and is "very proportionate" for her age, her diet is good, and she seems healthy inside out. Her development is "right on track", too, which is always a relief to hear. The doctor wanted to see Abbie walk, and said that she is walking very well. Abbie's teeth look great and are coming in straight. The funny anecdote: the doctor said that Abigail has "pretty hair" and commented about how much she "talks" - "chatterbox" is the word she used! I thought: "If you only knew...! It never ends"
Here are Abbie's stats:

Weight: 23 lbs
Height: 32 inches

Then, it was time for her shots... Unlike the last time we went to the doctor's, this time they gave her her shots in the thighs, rather than the arm... She bawled, how could she not, and went from smily and happy to crying in two seconds flat. She got over it quickly, though. Poor little thing, my heart aches.

At any rate, I am glad it's over, at least for now. I dread these experiences for her sake, now all I need a valium, and things will be better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate those shots, too! I know what you mean, I cry each time!