Saturday, September 6, 2008

Laundry and the Peekaboo Game

Today Abigail was a riot. She was into everything, playing with everything, inventing new games and turning whatever she could get her hands on into personal toys.

I was doing a couple batches of laundry. I set the load of whites on the floor waiting for the first load to be done and, naturally, Abbie started playing with the clothes. She climbed on the pile to reach some picture frames. She attempted to stick one of the shirts back in the laundry basket she saw me take it out of (which has a lid, however, so Abigail just abandoned the shirt draped over the basket). She tried to put on one of her daddy's T-Shirts. She put towels or shirts over her head and eyes and pulled them off laughing, chatting and pointing toward us. Christopher and I decided that she may be trying to engage us in a peekaboo session. Of course we gave in right away, and we all played together for a while.

She had so much fun, as did we just watching her laugh. Unfortunately, I was only able to capture the tail-end of the landry game on video. I need a camera in every corner of the house...

It must be said, though: in the end, she left the pile of dirty clothes on the floor to go get her favorite toy of all - me! :)

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