Monday, October 6, 2008

Hard hat Abbie

Abbie has a new passion: manhole covers.

Every time I take her out for a walk, she will stop and examine, up-close and personal, each and every manhole cover in her path. I really don't get it. But Abigail will automatically pilot to every manhole, stand on it, stomp on it, touch it (I always carry a disinfecting hand-spray!), trace the letters on it, talk to it (or herself, I am not sure), laugh at it and be entertained for the longest time. If there are two manholes close to each other, she will go from one to the other and back to the first one, and so on. I grow cobwebs while I wait for her to be done with her examinations.

I am taking pictures of Abbie and her manholes, I want to have a spread of all of them for the blog. Right now, I only have a couple of shots, but more will be forthcoming!

Here is a video of excerpts of today's 15 minutes/60 feet "walk" :~)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

roflmao! I love this post! She's cute, too!
Becky and Angela