Friday, November 7, 2008

Modeling Abbie

I have been playing around with Christopher's new camera, the super awesome Canon EOS. I am NOT a good photographer by any stretch of the imagination... but it's hard to take a bad picture with this baby (the camera!), even for me. I still have a lot to learn about settings: I am a simple minded point-and-shooter. Regardless, if you couple these two babies together (Abigal + Canon EOS), you are bound to get good results :)

Abigail is a consummate model. She loves the camera, and has the personality for it: playful, cheerful, and at times a little coquettish.

Here are some samples of our most recent home photo shoot.

getting her books
Giraffes can dance!
With her pink bear
Giraffes can Dance is my favorite book!
I love playing with my pink Bear!
My Daddy bought me this Bear!