Thursday, July 3, 2008

The StairMaster

For the past few weeks, Abigail has taken to love going up the stairs. Yes, before you jump to conclusions: we do have a gate -still pristine in it's brand new box, looking great on the living room couch where it has been resting comfortably for the last two weeks (hint hint to "those" in the know...........).

Anyway, she just loves to test her ability to move upward. So, when we play in the living room, Abbie will look in the general direction of the stairs, crawl like a fury towards them, and start climbing them. I have given up trying to stop Abigail - there is no way to deter her without her giving me *that* look as if saying: "But why not? They are here, aren't they? They look like fun!! You are making no sense!".

Since there is no successful way to reason with her about the dangers of a wobbly baby climbing stairs, I let her do her exploration and simply stand right behind her while she giggles and coos pushing herself up, lifting her leg on to the next step, then the other one, and again, and again, and again.

The first time, she only went up about 8 steps. But now it's the whole flight: from the living room to the upper level landing, several times a day. And she is *fast*! Take my word for it. Long gone are the days when, if I forgot something upstairs, I could just zip up and down before she even got near the first step. Now, I have to pick her up and take her with me.

It's a funny adventure, to her, and she will eventually turn to me and grin: "Didn't I tell you this was fun?!". Duh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's only the beginning! Wait until she starts wanting to go DOWN the stairs! Cute blog!