Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, mom!

Today was my birthday, almost exactly a week before Abbie's. Nothing special about it, and I would not even create a post on the subject, if it wasn't for the fact that today I got my very first "Happy Birthday Mom" card from my daughter. What a wonderful, unexpected feeling!

And, even more important than that, Abbie's scribbled for the very first time :) On my very first card for my very first birthday as a mom :)

Here is my card, and Abbie's scribble (below her "signature")!! For posterity purposes only :)


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Carole! I hope it was a good one!

Anonymous said...

LOL! We have an artist in the house!

Anonymous said...

That's cute! These are the types of things that you will treasure for the rest of your life!